Cyber Liability

In today's increasingly global business environment, learning to properly navigate your business's cyber landscape can make all the difference when it comes to protecting private information - both your clients' and your own.

Cyber Liability

Hackers do not discriminate between their targets – businesses in all industries, large and small, can fall victim. It is of utmost importance to know not only what information you are storing, but also how to properly protect yourself from potential exposure.

In today’s increasingly global business environment, learning to properly navigate your business’s cyber landscape can make all the difference when it comes to protecting private information – both your clients’ and your own.

Cyber Liability Explained

  • Privacy liabilities — Covers unauthorized access or disclosure of both private-personal and business-confidential information
  • Media and content liabilities — Covers infringement of copyright and trademark, as well as personal injuries like libel and slander
  • Network-security liabilities — Covers damages caused to others if your systems are hijacked, penetrated, or infected
  • Regulatory action — Covers legal expenses incurred for defense against regulators; also pays privacy fines where permitted
  • Network interruption — Pays net profits during a period of interruption—after a 12-hour waiting period—for logical attack, such as DDOS, virus, and hacks.
  • Cyber extortion — Pays should criminals hold your systems hostage or seek to monetize a breach via ransom

— Breach expenses—Pays first-party costs to limit losses, comply with privacy laws, or to prevent resulting lawsuits
— Pays to conduct a forensic investigation to determine the cause of a security or privacy event.
— Pays to notify potential victims: printing, mailing, advertising, phone-bank support
— Pays PR, crisis-management, or law firms to minimize damage and increase trust
— Pays for identity-theft education, credit-file monitoring or identity restoration services

We have access to the industry’s leading Cyber and Privacy Liability insurance providers, who specialize in protecting businesses from Cyber risks. These policies are designed to cover not only potential liability from third parties following a Cyber breach, but also direct costs to your business in the aftermath of an event – crisis management expenses, notification of victims, and credit-file monitoring services, to name a few.

Duran Risk & Insurance Services will secure your business and its future with our expert cyber insurance solutions

Call us at today at

(909) 851-6348